Season1. Based on the popular comic strip by Jim Davis, this animated classic series revolves around sarcastic Garfield, a lazy feline whose only desires in life are lasagna, catnaps and avoiding Mondays. Along with his not-too bright pooch pal, Odie, and gullible owner, Jon, Garfield coughs up a hairball of humor that every human will love.Garfieldand Friends funny quotes and moments (special ending) made in windows movie I sorry I apologize yt:stretch=16:9 that full screens Garfieldand his dog sidekick Odie have quite a love-hate relationship. Well, Odie seems to love being around the titular cat, while Garfield himself finds plenty of ways to distract the canine and get him out of his fur. The imagery itself certainly parallels the dead stares feline friends usually give to their owners. With Jon announcing Garfieldand Friends: Created by Jim Davis. With Lorenzo Music, Thom Huge, Gregg Berger, Howard Morris. Stories about Garfield the cat, Odie the dog, their owner Jon and the trouble they get into, and Orson the Pig
Garfieldcelebrating Christmas is a yearly running gag in the Garfield comic strip. Every year, often times beginning in early or mid-December, Garfield and his friends celebrate Christmas and the traditions that come with it. Garfield loves Christmas--especially the gifts and the fattening food, namely cookies--and he enjoys spreading his love for the