New Game Plus in Starfield allows to have a second playthrough with your current character. Here you will learn what elements of the character and the game world are transferred from the first playthrough to NG+. Starfield features New Game Plus, letting you transfer some of your progress after completing a playthrough to a new playthrough.
The nature of Cyberpunk 2077's potential early endings had left some hoping that CD Projekt Red would add a new game plus. Unfortunately, there is no New Game Plus for Cyberpunk 2077, meaning that you'll have to complete all the game's content before triggering the final mission if you want to complete everything on a given save file.
Best. Add a Comment. Not sure if it'll be helpful but the save editor has been updated for 2.0. trying to find a way to start a new character and transfer everything from ng now. how did it go? We’ll best thing I could do was level up a new character with the save editor then give a crapton of money. You can add items through it as long as
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CDPR. Cyberpunk 2077 released both its next-gen update for PS5 and Xbox Series X this week, and also the sizable patch 1.5, which introduced new guns, new apartments, AI changes and some long
Saves are 2.01. As far as playing you can hit on sand then dash to opponent and kill or range them on gun build , turn off sand when done an repeat, you really never run out if play correctly and you have endless heals on blood pump pretty much. Enjoy! My Sandevistan saves in act1 for Very Hard Mode.
how to start new game plus cyberpunk