2003 Harley-Davidson FLHTCUI Ultra Classic Electra Glide The fully dressed touring experience is realized with the Ultra Classic® Electra Glide®. With electronic cruise control, 40-watt per channel, 4-speaker stereo, AM/FM/WB compact disc player, separate passenger radio controls, CB, intercom and headset, riders are ready TheHarley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic model is a Touring bike manufactured by Harley-Davidson . In this version sold from year 2014 , the dry weight is 400.1 kg (882.0 pounds) and it is equipped with a V2, four-stroke motor. Its an evolved interface experience that offers a modern look, feel and function. It’s exceptionally durable and loaded with features designed specifically for motorcycling. 2019 Harley-Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic – Specifications/Technical Details. US MSRP Price: $24589 – $25889 USD. HarleyDavidson FLHTCU Electra Glide Ultra Classic (2000) Praha 5-Slivenec, Hippieguy. S tohle motorkou jsem na krizi středního věku připravený s velkou rezervou.
  1. Аրուտо у օвсኸሙሑքеርቸ
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With66.4 horsepower at 4,900 rpm our 2009 test bike makes about four more ponies at the rear wheel than our 2008 model, and torque is up about a lb-ft as well, to 78.5 at 3,600 rpm. Still 1993ultra glide classic anniversary model 90 year New clutch and primary registered oct 24 Immaculately Maintained eligible for club rego. $12,500. Cherrybrook, NSW. Road. 01/12/2023. 1998 Harley Davidson. 29000 km. Harley Davidson 95th anniversary 1998 model Ultra Classic Electra Glide 609/3000 made. Itfunctioned as advertised, especially on our 2000 mile trip from Maine to Ohio this summer. I may try an 8″ version down the road. Thank you for a fantastic product. I live in central Wisconsin and I have a 2009 Electra Glide Ultra Classic and received my AirCurve shield a week or so ago. I bought a Harley-Davidson Street Glide in 2012. Harley Davidson . FLHTK ELECTRA GLIDE ULTRA LIMITED . parts list catalogue manual → View webpages ( download→pdf→url ) Download Now; 2013 . Harley Davidson . FLHTCU ULTRA CLASSIC ELECTRA GLIDE SHRINE . parts list catalogue manual → View webpages ( download→pdf→url ) Download Now; 2000 . Harley Davidson .
TriGlide Ultra Classic. Also released in the FL Touring range for the 2009 model year was the FLHTCUTG Tri Glide Ultra Classic, the first three-wheeled Harley-Davidson since the Servi-Car was discontinued in 1973. This model features a unique frame and a 103 cid engine exclusive to the trike. FL Softails
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  • 2000 harley davidson electra glide ultra classic